Overweight & Obesity

Is weight a concern? Been told that you “need” to lose weight?

The terms “overweight” and “obese” are often used by both medical providers and the general population but can be confusing and are controversial. We at AYAM do not consider one’s weight alone as an indication of a medical problem, although weight and body mass index (BMI) is a tool that we may use as part of a more comprehensive medical assessment to help determine one’s health status. Fitness counts!

Being overweight (defined as BMI 25-30) or obese (defined as BMI >30) does not necessarily mean that one is unhealthy! But there are some medical conditions that are more common in patients who qualify as “overweight” or “obese” that are important to test for and treat such as insulin resistance or high cholesterol as they can lead to more medical problems as patients age.

Although we don’t typically focus on weight or numbers, we support nutritional recommendations that promote a healthy body including eating 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, ensuring a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in one’s diet, and avoiding emotional based-eating. We emphasize mindfulness related to nutritional choices and exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.

At AYAM, we provide non-judgmental care, no matter your body size or shape! We try to assist you in making changes that lead towards improved health. We recognize that there is weight stigma within our communities but we strive to eliminate the impact in our practice as well as work toward improving these biases in our community.

Adolescent Young-Adult Medicine is a private medical practice offering primary care and specialized care in New York City for 9-30 year olds.

Adolescent-Young Adult Medicine

1050 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2
New York, NY 10028
P: 212-987-1414
F: 212-987-1518
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